Isohelix launches the SaliFix™ Saliva Swab DNA Collection Kit

Isohelix launches the SaliFix™ Saliva Swab DNA Collection Kit

Increasing numbers of saliva samples are being collected remotely from study participants for use in genetic testing, so the need for safe, simple and easy to use sample collection, stabilization and transportation is growing rapidly.

Studies have shown that DNA samples from swabs can degrade rapidly without the correct stabilization. SaliFix™ Collectors contain 1ml of preservation reagent that is designed to maintains DNA integrity and yields whilst preventing bacterial growth long term, yet provides easy and easy device for Saliva DNA collection, stabilization, and transport.

SaliFix™ Collectors are specifically designed for collecting Saliva samples in various environment including at home, in clinic or remotely. The foam swabs effectively maximizes saliva collection, even from donors who may find it difficult to produce saliva.

The SaliFix™ kit also includes the SwabCatcher format for improved Sample Handling

The NEW SwabCatcher tube simplifies sample processing and cuts down on cross-contamination as the cap holds the swab tightly after screwing the cap onto the tube. This removed the tedious process choice of having to cut the swab tip and or manually using tweezers to remove the swab prior to processing. This makes the tube ideal for high-throughput processing using automated instruments, and further the tubes are barcoded for easy sample tracking.

SwabCatcher tubes are leakproof and fully transport tested to 95kPa to allow mailing and storage, and the reagents are non-hazardous.

Agarose gel analyzed by electrophoresis. Saliva DNA isolated from SaliFixTM collection devices using the Isohelix Saliva-Prep-2 kit (GSPN-50), shows high quality DNA with no degradation.

DNA collected using SaliFix™ collectors is of high yield and purity, and suitable for all downstream analyses.

Saliva Swab DNA Collection Kit

  • All-in-one saliva DNA collection, stabilization, and transport device.
  • Uses the NEW Swab-Catcher for easy handling and automated-processing.
  • Simple collection at home, in clinic. a viable alternative to blood collection.
  • Instant stabilization maximises DNA yields allowing RT shipping and storage in a non-hazardous format.
  • Optimized for extraction using Isohelix DNA extraction and other kits.

Product Information

SFX/LS/1/50   SaliFix™ saliva collection tubes prefilled with 1ml SaliFix™ buffer and individually wrapped, foam saliva swabs.

Pack of 50 devices

Isohelix launches the ‘SwabCatcher’ Swab DNA/RNA Collection Kit

NEW SwabCatcher tubes are used alongside RapiDri DNA and RNA Swab Kits designed to simplify the swabs transition through sample processing. The Tubes are also available pre-filled with BuccaLyse DNA and RNA stabilization buffer for room temperature shipping.

  • No more Swab retrieval issues
  • Automation, HT and Manual compatible
  • Barcoded for traceability
  • CE-IVD Certified
  • Fully transport tested to 95kPa

Product Information

SwabCapture             L/00/50                        50 x SwabCatcher 5ml collection tubes and caps(empty)

RapiDri                        RD-01                                200 x RapiDri swabs SwabCatcher with drying pouch

BuccaLyse                  BEK/L/05/50                50 x BuccaLyse SwabCatcher collection tubes pre-filled with 0.5ml buffer

BuccalFix                    BFX/L/05/50                50 x BuccalFix SwabCatcher collection tubes pre-filled with 0.5ml buffer

At Isohelix we use our extensive knowledge in product design, regulatory, safety & commercial markets to design products that make it easy for our customers to collect high quality nucleic acid samples from saliva, buccal cells, and stool samples.

10 Top Tips for Working With RNA

Obtaining high-quality RNA is the first step for sensitive downstream applications such as RT-PCR, digital PCR, and RNA-seq. However, this can be tricky, as RNA is fragile and susceptible to both physical degradation and digestion by ubiquitous ribonuclease (RNAse) enzymes.

In this blog, we give you ten top tips to ensure success when working with RNA to help you get the best results from your samples.

1. Use an area of the lab dedicated to working with RNA​

RNases are ubiquitous in the environment and maintain their activity even after autoclaving, so make sure to decontaminate your reagents and equipment before using them. Set aside a separate area for working with RNA away from other work, and use separate pipettes, tips, and other consumables. Ideally, use a UV decontamination cabinet or laminar flow hood to prevent contamination from airborne micro-organisms. Your skin secretes RNases, so wear clean gloves and a clean lab coat and face mask while handling samples.

2. Decontaminate work surfaces and equipment​

Common disinfectants such as 70% Isopropanol may be insufficient for inactivating RNases. Wipe down all work surfaces, and clean pipettes with a 10% household bleach solution (or a commercially available RNAse decontamination solution), followed by wiping down with RNAse-free/DEPC-treated H2O to inactivate potential RNases. Use filtered pipette tips for liquid handling to prevent aerosols and the cross-contamination of samples. Where possible, use sterile, disposable plasticware . If you must use non-disposable plasticware, treat it with 0.1 M NaOH/1 mM EDTA and RNase-free water. Always use molecular biology grade consumables and reagents certified as RNAse/Nuclease free, as lower quality reagents may be contaminated with RNases. ISOHELIX PRODUCTS ARE PRODUCED IN A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT AND ARE CERTIFIED RNAse-FREE

3. Use an RNA stabilization reagent​

RNA collection and analysis from saliva and buccal swab samples is especially challenging, given the high quantities of enzymes in the oral cavity. To overcome this, Isohelix has developed unique, non-toxic RNA stabilization buffers and included them in RNA collection kits, immediately preserving RNA from the moment of collection :

Using an RNA stabilization reagent preserves the integrity of the RNA in your saliva and buccal swab samples during room-temperature storage and shipping.

4. Handle samples carefully

Many RNA extraction kits include guanidium isothiocyanate (GITC) during the lysis stage to denature proteins. However, GITC is a toxic reagent that can potentially react with bleach (sodium hypochlorite) to generate toxic gases.
Xtreme-RNA is free from toxic reagents such as phenol, chloroform, β-mercaptoethanol, & guanidine salts, so it is much safer to handle in the lab.

5. Choose an RNA Extraction Kit optimized for your sample type

Choose the most appropriate kit for your samples and downstream applications. For example, the Isohelix Xtreme-RNA kit is a spin column based RNA purification kit for the swift, simple preparation of total human, viral, or microbial RNA, optimized for extraction from saliva and swab samples. Extracted samples are of high purity (expected A260/280: >1.9), so they are ideal for use in downstream applications such as rt-qPCR, RNAseq and microRNA-seq. The kit is scalable and can accommodate various sample input volumes.

6. Avoid toxic reagents

Many RNA extraction kits include guanidium isothiocyanate (GITC) during the lysis stage to denature proteins. However, GITC is a toxic reagent that can potentially react with bleach (sodium hypochlorite) to generate toxic gases.
Xtreme-RNA is free from toxic reagents such as phenol, chloroform, β-mercaptoethanol, & guanidine salts, so it is much safer to handle in the lab.

7. Be aware of potential gDNA contamination

The similarity in physical and chemical properties of DNA and RNA makes gDNA contamination of isolated RNA a common problem, and non-specific amplification due to gDNA contamination of samples can lead to overestimates of transcript levels using RT-PCR gene expression analysis. Many RT-PCR assays can be designed to be gDNA insensitive using exon-spanning primers, but this is not always possible. If required, DNase digestion can be performed following the final elution of RNA using most commercially available DNAse kits.

8. Accurately quantify your RNA

Before proceeding with downstream applications, assess the quality and quantity of extracted RNA. Use spectrophotometry (e.g., NanoDrop) for concentration determination and electrophoresis or capillary electrophoresis (e.g., Agilent Bioanalyzer) to assess RNA integrity.

9. Work swiftly

RNA in inadequately maintained oral samples can be degraded by intracellular nucleases. Extract RNA as quickly as possible after taking samples, and once begun, work as fast as you can to complete sample purification. Purified samples should always be kept chilled or on ice.

10. Always freeze extracted RNA

Even trace amounts of RNase can degrade RNA in non-frozen samples. Store extracted RNA short-term at -20°C (weeks to months), but in the longer term, store RNA at -80°C (years) as the low temperature will inhibit enzyme activity, preventing sample degradation.

More Info

To find out more about Isohelix’ High Quality Products for Collecting, Stabilizing and Extracting RNA, click here RNA Products | Isohelix