GeneFix Saliva Collectors Certified To NEW EU Regulations

GeneFix Saliva Collectors Certified To NEW EU Regulations

Isohelix is pleased to announce it has formally completed the EU Certificate of Registration for the medical devices range of  ‘Isohelix DNA/RNA Swab Buccal Swabs’  under the new EU regulations 2017/745 in Europe that will become law in 2021.

EU Certificate of Registration MDR – Isohelix Buccal Swabs

Isohelix DNA/RNA Swabs Certified To NEW EU Regulations

Isohelix DNA/RNA Swabs Certified To NEW EU Regulations

Isohelix is pleased to announce it has formally completed the EU Certificate of Registration for the medical devices range of  ‘Isohelix DNA/RNA Swab Buccal Swabs’  under the new EU regulations 2017/745 in Europe that will become law in 2021.

EU Certificate of Registration MDR – Isohelix Buccal Swabs

Isohelix and Autogen sign collaborative agreement for improved Automated DNA workflows.

The Isohelix DNA/RNA GeneFix saliva and buccal collection and isolation chemistries are now fully integrated into the Autogen FlexSTAR DNA automation systems, aiding the processing of larger samples volumes without detriment to high purity and yields of gDNA.

Isohelix Launches new GeneFix Salivalyse Direct-to-PCR Kit

Isohelix has launched a novel kit for the rapid preparation of PCR-Ready DNA from GeneFix and BuccalFix stabilised samples.

The Salivalyse novel chemistry removes potent inhibitors quickly and efficiently, from varying sample volumes and used directly in PCR and qPCR.

With less time spent on sample preparation, further optimises  PCR and qPCR  work flows.

Isohelix Engages European Representative For It’s Range Of DNA/RNA Swabs and GeneFix Saliva Collectors

Isohelix is pleased to announce it has now engaged Advena Ltd to act as our European Representative, for both the ‘GeneFiX DNA/RNA Collectors’ and ‘Isohelix DNA/RNA Buccal Swabs’  which will ensure a smooth and more efficient importation of our products being imported into the European market.